
We set out almost six decades ago to be a company that would save people time and money and help them live better. We had no way of knowing in those early days what an enormous opportunity we would have to use the scale of our business to make a difference. As the world around us continues to change—at a faster rate today than when we started out—we reaffirm our commitment to not just adapt and grow, but to lead. 


We remind ourselves each day that our work isn’t just about what we achieve but how we achieve it. The way we conduct our business is as important as the products we sell and the services we provide. That means complying with the laws of the communities where we do business. But that is not enough. Associates who work at Walmart are expected to operate based on our values. Our expectation is you will put fairness, equity, justice, and integrity at the heart of everything you do. By working this way, each one of us will play an active part in shaping our culture, building trust, and making it possible for us to reach our purpose and potential as a company.


Our Code of Conduct reflects what’s important to us. It applies to all of us—to me, to our Board members and officers, and to every Walmart associate. We also expect our business partners to embrace our values and meet these high standards. Associates and partners who do not share these values do not belong at Walmart.


Please read our Code. Refer to it often. Let it guide you to make honest, fair decisions and comply with the laws and policies that apply to our conduct. At its heart is a simple guideline: do the right thing and speak up whenever you have a concern or see something wrong.


Thank you for doing your part.


Doug McMillon

President and CEO

Walmart Inc.

Report a Concern

Concerns are treated as confidentially as possible, and if you choose, you may report your concern anonymously to the extent allowed by law. 

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Integrity in Action

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What should be reported to Ethics & Compliance?
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What should not be reported to Ethics & Compliance?
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How do I raise an ethics concern or ask a question related to the Code of Conduct?
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What happens when I report an ethics concern?
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What should be reported to Ethics & Compliance?
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All instances that involve alleged behaviors or misconduct that are inconsistent with our Code of Conduct should be reported to your manager, next-level manager, People Partner, Ethics & Compliance, or Legal so that your concern can be reviewed and handled appropriately. However, if your concern is about one of the following, it must be immediately reported to Ethics & Compliance:

  • Bribery (including any suspected violation of the Anti-Corruption Compliance Policy)
  • A company officer or the direct report to any company CEO potentially violating the Code
  • Falsifying financial records or interfering with our internal controls on accurate financial reporting. 
What should not be reported to Ethics & Compliance?
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Some concerns do not require ethics oversight and are best handled by another party. Some examples include:

  • Concerns regarding work schedule or attendance points
  • Respect for the individual concerns involving profanity, general rudeness or disrespect
  • Questions about benefits
  • Questions about rehire eligibility
  • Concerns about customer service or online orders

Many of these instances are best handled by talking to your manager, People Partner, visiting your local office / store or contacting customer service.

How do I raise an ethics concern or ask a question related to the Code of Conduct?
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You may contact Ethics & Compliance to ask for advice or submit a concern through the following channels:


  • Walmartethics.com
  • Global Ethics Helpline (1-800-WM-ETHIC)
  • Email at ethics@walmart.com
  • Mail -
    Walmart, Inc.
    Attn: Global Ethics and Compliance
    702 SW 8th Street
    Bentonville, AR 72716-0860
What happens when I report an ethics concern?
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1. Keep your case number and password

Use the case number and password you receive from the Helpline or walmartethics.com to check your report's status or provide additional details. Ethics & Compliance will follow up with most concerns within 72 hours. If you need an immediate response, you should contact your supervisor, HR, or market Ethics office. Customers should contact a store manager

2. Follow-Up with Ethics

Ethics & Compliance will follow-up in a way that is most likely to be received by the reporter. If you provide an email address, we will respond through email. If you wish to remain anonymous and do not provide contact information, updates or follow-up questions will be submitted on your online report status. If you have filed an anonymous report, periodically check-in online to look for updates to your case. 

3. The Investigation

You may be contacted to assist with the investigation. If you are asked to participate, give honest and complete answers. Walmart does not tolerate retaliation for reporting a concern or participating in an investigation. If you feel that you have been retaliated against for reporting a concern, contact your People Partner or Ethics & Compliance. 

4. Closing Your Case

If a problem is found, Ethics & Compliance will work with the business to resolve it. If necessary, disciplinary action will be taken against an associate. For reasons of confidentiality and respect for the individual we will not share details about the investigation, but you will be informed when the case is closed. 

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Walmart does not tolerate retaliation for reporting a concern or participating in an investigation. Any associate who engages in retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action. If you feel that you have been retaliated against for reporting a concern, contact your next-level manager, People Partner or Ethics & Compliance.  If you feel that you have been retaliated against for participating in an investigation, contact the Walmart investigator you were working with or Ethics & Compliance.

We know it takes courage to come forward and share your concerns. Discouraging associates from reporting an ethics concern is prohibited and could result in disciplinary action. When we speak out against things that are wrong, we uphold our values and Code. Reporting an issue in good faith will not get you in trouble, even if you make an honest mistake. Knowingly reporting false information is contrary to our values and will be subject to disciplinary action.

We appropriately investigate reports of misconduct. We share information only on a need-to-know basis. If you are asked to participate in an investigation, give honest and complete answers.
