How to Use Our Code
Trust Begins with You
Build Trust with Our Associates
Build Trust with Our Customers
Build Trust in Our Business
How to Use Our Code
Trust Begins with You
Build Trust with Our Associates
Build Trust with Our Customers
Build Trust in Our Business

Speak Without Fear of Retaliation
Walmart does not tolerate retaliation for reporting a concern or participating in an investigation. Any associate who engages in retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action. If you feel that you have been retaliated against for reporting a concern, contact your People Lead or Ethics & Compliance.
We know it takes courage to come forward and share your concerns. Discouraging associates from reporting an ethics concern is prohibited and could result in disciplinary action. When we speak out against things that are wrong, we uphold our values and Code. Reporting an issue in good faith will not get you in trouble, even if you make an honest mistake. Knowingly reporting false information is contrary to our values and will be subject to disciplinary action.
We appropriately investigate reports of misconduct. We share information only on a need-to-know basis. If you are asked to participate in an investigation, give honest and complete answers.